Rack or Shelving Supported Mezzanines

Are you using your facilities’ vertical space to your advantage? In today’s highly competitive market, it’s critical to use every inch of your warehouse space wisely. Papé Material Handling has an assortment of shelving and rack support mezzanines designed to make the best use out of the space you have available to you. Our pallet rack configurations are a perfect form of storage and enable you to increase the overall storage capacity of your warehouse. It doesn’t matter how big or small your space is, these solutions will maximize its potential.

Rack or Shelving Supported Mezzanines

Clear Spans & Catwalks

Continue the expansion of your usable warehouse space by adding in cost-effective clear span and catwalk mezzanines. These additions will take advantage of the excess ceiling height of your warehouse.  A clear span mezzanine is a modular second floor engineered with structural supports and beams to allow for additional storage. A catwalk mezzanine operates as a double-tall shelving unit with a floor suspended from the shelving at the halfway point. These solutions can add considerable usable square footage to your warehouse.

Clear Spans & Catwalks

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